God Revealed

Seven Parables Seven Churches A Two Thousand Year History

by Ron Bain



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/8/2004

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 90
ISBN : 9780595770212
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 90
ISBN : 9780595322183

About the Book

Above and Below the Earth.

The texture is that of diamonds, infinitely solid, incomprehensible in its hardness. The color is a dark blue. A deep plateau stretches out in every direction. There stands an individual, a figure of a human. Tall beyond dimensions, (He is) clothed in light. His shoulders are broad. His feet seem as blocks. His hands appear gentle. His face reveals no features. The eyes are felt rather than seen. Surrounding the light that clothes Him is an aura of light blue. Behind Him a deep blue goes back forever. He is the Beginning and the End and has decided the moment when time shall stop. All who bend their knees to Him begin the process of perfection. He is an Individual of three Persons, yet He is One. Those who ask His pardon will share in His glory, becoming one with Him in Holy Matrimony.

The dead are presented here (to Him), in their individual characters, without distinction or representation. Alone. Personal history is visible in every detail.

About the Author

Ron Bain?s life ambition was to understand the bible. He is not associated with any church. Ron is a drummer, a car guy, makes a great salsa and lives somewhere in the Southwest. God Revealed is his first published work.