Don't Take Me to Your Leader

Angelina the Martian's Lost Notes on America

by Scotland Miles



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/15/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 230
ISBN : 9780595270774

About the Book

Take a journey through American society and culture as you've never seen it before, through the eyes of Angelina, a young Martian observer following in the footsteps of her predecessor of fifty years ago. After her predecessor's departure, much has changed in our country. And Angelina faithfully observes and documents our quirky society as only an outsider looking in could. Lively and entertaining, Don't Take Me to Your Leader will make you re-think the way you view our country and it's laws, language, customs and leaders. Author Scotland Miles captures the imagination and pulls no punches when it comes to not only politics and the legal system; but marriage and money, trends and traditions, and the folly of some of our popularly held beliefs. Destined to be a classic in societal satire, Don't Take Me to Your Leader compels all of us to question our own belief system, while entertaining us along the way. If you've never experienced the joy of letting a book drop to your lap, staring off into space and saying to yourself, "You know, I never thought of it that way before," be prepared with this one. Miles is part of the new breed of 21st century authors, breaking away from the pack. Don't Take Me to Your Leader is fresh, funny and provocative. A must read for anyone who enjoys the intellectual subculture thumbing their nose at "the system."

About the Author

Scotland Miles was born in Kansas City, Kansas and has lived in the midwest; and on the east and west coasts. He has traveled extensively throughout the world, including Asia, Africa, Europe, the Far East, Canada and Mexico. He currently resides in Jacksonville, Florida with his wife and daughter.