Tomorrow May Be Too Late

by Rev. John E. Beadle



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/21/2004

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 102
ISBN : 9780595771110
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 102
ISBN : 9780595323111

About the Book

Our society today has grown so accustom to violence and evil that Christians have difficulty identifying the presence of Satan. We have drifted away from the one thing that God uses to measure a Christian, and that is love. God's Word tells us that we show our love for him through our love of fellow man.

God's love has no bounds. It is not limited by nationality, language, color, financial status, title or position. Revelations two tells us the importance of love in a Christian life and without it our candle will be removed. There is no doubt that we have entered into the end times and today our world is heading toward a catastrophe that will usher in the Rapture. The Churches are full of people who know of God, believe in Jesus Christ, but are banking on God's love of mankind to have a "Blue-lite" special and allow "Good People" into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Christians need to evaluate the Word of God and know that God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. His judgment is by the written Word of God and will not change.

"Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep these things which are written therein: for the hour is at hand."-Rev. 1:3

About the Author

The author is an ordained minister with the Full Gospel Fellowship and has done an in-depth study of the end-times and the Book of Revelations. He has been teaching on this subject for more than fifteen years and also on angels and spiritual maturity of Christians. He retired in 1972 from the United States Air Force, serving in the Korean War, the Vietnam War and was assigned many times in other parts of the world. He also retired from the Government Printing office in 1993 after serving 22 years. Since 1993 he has volunteered as a Chaplain at Alexandria INOVA Hospital and Woodbine Rehabilitation and Healthcare. He serves on the Ethics Committee and the Community Advisory Board. His home is in Alexandria, Virginia, where he lives with his wife Carol, and is a member of the Wesleyan Church under the ministry of Pastor Wayne Lyons. He is dedicated to serving God and continued growth of Christians in their ministry for fulfillment of the great Commandment.