by Roy Wepner



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/19/2007

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9780595868698
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9780595425402

About the Book

For over 60 years, members of the oversized baby boomer generation have made just about everyone crazy: their parents, their teachers, their children, more recently their grandchildren, and -most of all- each other. THE POSTWARRIORS: BOOMERS AGING BADLY takes an inside look at the leading edge of the boomer generation as it careers headlong through middle age and toward points beyond. This series of essays examines many of the idiosyncrasies and foibles of the boomers, some of which bear an uncanny resemblance to earlier generations, but many of which have set a new standard for quirkiness. Many of these essays have been published in The Princeton Packet, a local newspaper founded in 1786.

Learn how the boomers have responded to the sometimes bitter, sometimes sweet, sometimes bittersweet experiences of aging. Find out how boomers have coped (or perhaps not) with challenges ranging from reunions to colonoscopies. Explore how boomers have complicated everything from snobbery to coffee. Discover why boomers take themselves seriously, and why no one else should.

In short, THE POSTWARRIORS: BOOMERS AGING BADLY provides you with everything you never wanted to know about the baby boom generation.

About the Author

ROY WEPNER is a bona fide baby boomer, born in 1947 in The Bronx. He is a patent attorney in private practice in Westfield, New Jersey. He and his boomer wife Shelley reside in an otherwise empty nest in Bergen County, New Jersey.