The Thirteen Great Economic/Business Myths That Dominate Our Lives

by Sanford Kahn



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/15/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 54
ISBN : 9780595439836

About the Book

Myths-these unconscious or semi-conscious beliefs have a strong influence on how we orient our behavior and actions. The ones that seem to influence us the most are directed towards our personal lives. But, there are business and economic myths as well that have a profound impact on our decisions both personally and professionally.

The problem arises when some of these myths are believed to be true when in actuality they maybe false or only partly true. For example, a popular myth explored by the book, is that we live in a world that is changing quickly. This myth is widely believe to be true, but in reality is only partially true. The goal of the book is to explore some of these business and economic myths and their accuracy. It is to give you a different point of view that is somewhat out of the mainstream of popular belief.

About the Author

Sanford Kahn has been speaking professionally for over 30 years giving individuals an understanding of the future business challenges they will be facing and how they must orient their strategies to capitalize on the opportunities and avoid the pitfalls. He produced and hosted the cablevision series Ask the Economist. Please see