Voices From Nature, Lessons From God
Book Details
About the Book
Voices From Nature, Lessons From God is the story of a woman and her adventure with Nature. The adventure starts in her small city garden in the Midwest and expands to include other non-plant forms of Nature. The journey includes lessons from God through Nature and prayers to instill the heart of the lessons in one's soul. The guided meditation will assist anyone wishing to connect and talk to Nature. Also included is the process for creating flower essences for healing the body, mind, and spirit.
About the Author
Teresa Garrison is a mother of three and a registered nurse. She is a Reiki Master and after her Reiki initiation, her childhood ability to hear plants and Nature speak returned. She now lives in the Pacific Northwest. She is the guardian of four acres of mountain forest, The Judenlil Sanctuary, where she continues to garden in cooperation with Nature.