The Mystery of Criminal BehaviorýObstacles to Solving the Enigma
Obstacles to Solving the Enigma
Book Details
About the Book
A number of books have been written that discuss and promote a particular theoretical approach to corrections. Instead of promoting a particular theoretical approach, The Mystery of Criminal Behavior critically analyzes the theories most commonly promoted in literature on the subject and practiced in the field.
Drawing on thirty years of experience as a corrections practitioner at the state level, managing and administering programs and institutions for adult criminals, juvenile offenders, and the criminally insane, author Thomas G. Toombs asserts that none of the theories advocated to date have produced or offer promising results and that there are at least three major obstacles-pseudoscientific research practices, prisons, and intellectual and ideological parochialism-that must be overcome before any progress can be made toward discovering the causes of criminal behavior and how to prevent it.
The Mystery of Criminal Behavior provides insight to the misinformed and the uninformed, compromises those who distort or misrepresent what is known about criminal behavior, and motivation to those who are sincere in their pursuit of a solution.
About the Author
Thomas G. Toombs holds a BA in psychology, an MS in community service and public affairs, and a PhD in educational policy and management. He is currently working as a security consultant.