When I was a young boy living in the housing projects of Hoboken, New Jersey, I would experience dreams of amazing feats and accomplishments. Always these dreams had elements of supernatural strength like flying, jumping and running. For instance, I could find myself with enormous abilities to jump from one ten story housing project to an adjacent one after being chased by a villain. In other dreams, I am flying in the air like a bird to save my fellow housing project neighbors from potential disasters. Ironically, all dreams had displayed an element of landing on the ground safely. Moreover, these dreams were always accompanied by the sounds of music; classical, jazz, and contemporary. Indeed, I was an active young boy who participated in many intramural sports and that may explain for some of the amazing physical feats. Nonetheless, the musical and security aspect always intrigued me. It is not until recently, when I made a decision to allow the spirit to lead me on a journey of discovery of these dreams.
So, what are dreams? Dreams allow us to communicate to the spirit world, for it is the communication of God to his angels. Oftentimes, God communicates to mankind by dreams to reveal insight, wisdom and understanding. Thus, dreams are spiritual, lifelong and serve to achieve an ultimate purpose. They are made into reality by means of spiritual reciprocity. Driven by the Spirit, I am blessed to give you, the reader, “The Reference Point,” a collection of dreams with insight, wisdom and understanding of the Soul of the Little Boy. In the end, God’s infinite wisdom will always brings us back to “The Reference Point,” the purpose of being.
In Grace, there is Peace,
Kenneth Alan Goodwin Jr.
Chapter One: The Beginning
One day, when the sky was meeting the ocean and it roared liked a lion. The Wind of Faith in its serenity whispered, “Fear not, for your foundation is that strong rock that you stand on. Although the ocean is roaring like a lion, remember, until the last moment I rest in thee.” The Soul of the Little Boy, raised in the housing projects, sought for wisdom more than gold and heard the music of Angels singing psalms in his ear. Would this lead him to the Reference Point, the River Road towards the Truth?
Humankind, in their most challenging times, will oftentimes, resort to extreme measures to accomplish a goal that had already been predetermined by faith. I once heard the cliché “the beginning and end are no two different, just what we do in the middle that makes all the difference.” This can be interpreted, that we all have two certain events: the birth of the living when the spirit enters into earth which becomes the physical soul and the death of the physical soul when it returns back to the Maker of the Spirit. In our daily living, albeit a struggle or success, wisdom surrounds us with lessons to bring us closer to our ultimate purpose. Whatever decisions we use to handle them, our struggles and failures become the sources of wisdom for the future. After all, we are all Giants Walking on this Earth.