Oh Say, Can't You See?

How America Got Sidetracked

by Joseph Sterling



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/4/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 258
ISBN : 9780595521104

About the Book

Americans have become blinded by fear and our government seems incapable of a vision beyond 90 days. Can't you see? We have failed to counter the rise of powerful foreign economies. Lacking concern for America's future and middle class, the wealthy have piled up excessive personal wealth, causing a shrinking middle class. Lawmakers overregulated our country with uniformity that stole America's unique spirit of adventure, individual freedom and personal responsibility. In politics, polarization is king. Professional demagogues succeeded in stirring up more hate for the opposite side of the political aisle than for America's real enemies. Compromise used to be smart business; now it is considered a weakness or act of betrayal. Stubborn ideology, once an impractical trait is now a virtue of strong character. Many countries (and fascist groups) use our weaknesses to their advantage. We've got it all wrong. Americans need to work together if we hope to induce positive change both here and abroad. Most Americans sense signs of decay but can't put the finger on the causes, let alone solutions. It is not easy to see the forest for the trees. This book makes that job easier.

About the Author

A retired CEO of a public company, Sterling is currently a philanthropist and concerned citizen. He has traveled extensively, observing significant changes in America that are leading to a serious decline in American freedom and prosperity. Brought up in Holland enduring the hardship of the German occupation, he takes "Freedom" very personally. He resides in California.