The Single Mom's Little Book of Wisdom COMPANION WORKBOOK

Self-reflective Exercises, Meditative Lessons and Practical Action Steps To Help You Move From Principle To Practice

by Cassandra Mack



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/27/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9780595465941

About the Book

You've read The Single Mom's Little Book of Wisdom, and now you're ready to go deeper, to move from principle to practice, to put in the work to make yourself happier, healthier and whole.

Well THE SINGLE MOM'S LITTLE BOOK OF WISDOM COMPANION WORKBOOK is a personal tutorial for you to work through, meditate on and hopefully process so that you can bring your life into sharper focus and get from where you are now to where you want to be.

Why A Companion Workbook? Because it is one thing to read an inspiring book, feel encouraged by it and have a basic understanding of how a principle might work in theory. It's quite another to put the principles into practice, let the lessons kick in and take action so that you can achieve your desired results. This book will show you how to do the work of wholeness.

Embrace the lessons, share the seeds of success with every woman you encounter and dare to live life by your design. See you on the path

About the Author

Before the companion workbook was created, author and empowerment coach Cassandra Mack led personal development workshops that actively guided and inspired women to let go of the things that drained them and go after their dreams with boldness and faith. Now Cassandra re-creates the essence of these workshops in this power-packed workbook helping women everywhere that are single moms or who feel like they are ? find their authentic path to power, purpose, peace and prosperity.