House Not Made With Hands

by Jane Bennett Gaddy



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/19/2007

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 222
ISBN : 9780595692224
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 222
ISBN : 9780595451029
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 222
ISBN : 9780595894147

About the Book

I was born in the flat fertile Mississippi Delta in 1940. I grew up in a white clapboard plantation house on the heels of the Great Depression when cotton was still running the show in the south and well before the Civil Rights Movement. Love took me out of the Delta, and it was love that brought me back, for there are some things that cannot be forgotten or left behind. So, here it is. After all the years that have come and gone, here is a Delta girl seeing the grand old South through a window, all but closed now. There were days hot enough to melt lead and bitter winters that tested and forged the human spirit. And in a way, that's how I felt looking back on it. There we all were, scratching at the ground for our white gold and imagining the world beyond the cotton rows. It's my life and a heritage of pride in my homeland, my view of America, of family, of love, and ultimately of the House Not Made With Hands.

About the Author

Jane Bennett Gaddy is retired from one of the Southeast’s largest banks and lives with her husband in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains where her writing career continues. She holds a Ph.D. in Religion with a discipline in Christian Education. She has four children, ten grandchildren, and five great-grandsons.