Unheard, Unseen...
A Novel
Book Details
About the Book
It is 2009 and North Korea has purchased four outdated submarine launched ballistic missile boosters from a French company tasked with destroying the rockets. Because they are not a weapon in and of themselves, international law governing the sale of strategic weapons cannot prevent the acquisition. Both the US and Canadian governments however, know too well what the unstable North Korean leader intends for the rocket boosters in light of his failure to successfully launch a missile of his own.
When a carefully planned covert mission to intercept the rockets unravels due to mechanical problems with the ultra quiet spy submarine USS Jimmy Carter, a replacement must be found and quickly! The surprising solution comes in the form of a Canadian submarine.
Commander Michael Simpson, nearing the end of his career with the Canadian navy has few doubts concerning his untried boat's capabilities, and he knows that his crew is the best out there. The only answer to his orders is the same one that has echoed throughout the history of one of the world's best-trained navies; 'ready, aye ready'. The author takes the reader on a thrilling adventure as the officers and crew of HMCS Corner Brook undertake a mission fraught with danger.
About the Author
Daniel Lloyd Little was born in Moncton, New Brunswick in 1956 during the height of the cold war. From an early age he began to show a great interest in military subjects. In later years he travelled extensively throughout North America visiting historic sites and museums. The owner of an extensive collection of books and artefacts on military history, Daniel has continued his study of all aspects of warfare and military history from ancient studies to the current era. Daniel's fascination with all things technical led to a successful twenty-eight year management career with Radioshack, the home electronics chain. He spent many of those years working in Halifax, Nova Scotia, home to Canada's east coast navy. After moving to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia in 2004, one of the locations in the book, he began a new employment adventure with Register.com as a web consultant, a position he thoroughly enjoyed. He has recently returned to Halifax, Nova Scotia, working with the same company as an Account Manager. His hobbies include the restoration of military artefacts, model building, and NASCAR motor sports as well as the extensive reading and study of military history.