A Day of Leisure

by Jeeves B.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/28/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 52
ISBN : 9780595420988

About the Book

The present book is second in the series and presents a further selection of stories that the children must not miss to read. Reading of these stories equals hours of moral teaching for character building. The selection of stories is made with one thing in view, i.e., holding their interest long enough for them to draw and learn a lesson on their own. A lesson self-taught is worth more than hours of moral instruction The parents and teachers would have to add their own example to it in order to make it really effective. Undoubtedly, there is no better method of teaching than setting a personal example for the children to follow. A story serves as a teaching aid.

About the Author

THE AUTHOR There is undoubtedly a shortage of children's short stories with a moral. If the story happens to be too long, the child may lose interest before reading it through and learning any lesson. We, as parents and teachers, need to read the stories to the children or, better still, help them read for themselves. They will draw their own lessons from them. Lessons thus learnt will stay with them for life. If we fail to assist children under our care in learning important lessons, they will flounder through life without principles and may not get to be creative. Creativity is one skill that will suffice for a fruitful life. I compiled one book before. Success of The Flying Elephant encouraged me to continue to write in the same vein. Even for the present volume, I wrote some stories myself and borrowed and retold others. They are the stories that I would want every child to read. The stories included in this volume are important in their own way because they convey hidden messages that can greatly benefit children. The first book was written with similar ideas in view. This is the second volume. There is no limit to the need of such books. That is why I have continued to follow the same pattern and included those stories which, in my opinion, children must read. It has been observed that children's stories often reveal eternal truths that can guide their lives for ever. Thus they must be encouraged to read endlessly. The stories in this volume also contain guiding principles for the young and the old and makes them readable regardless of age.