The Gentle Dragon

by Robert Bruce



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/21/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9780595138913

About the Book

Bill Lloyd, retired Navy Intelligence Commander, and Dorothy (his wife and daughter of Dr. Baker, Bill’s friend at the FBI) are traveling on vacation on California Hwy. 101. Walking into a restaurant they are horrified to discover their country has been taken over by China, with cooperation from the Russians. They rush to Bill’s son’s cabin in the Lake Tahoe hills to hide and plan what action to take.

The mainstay of the US Navy Pacific Fleet in San Diego is bombed with chemical warheads that annihilate all staff and crews. The same happens to the Atlantic Fleet in Norfolk, VA. But Clint Lloyd, Bills’ son, has ideas for revenge!

About the Author

Captain/Dr. Bruce is a retired U.S. Navy officer. His last position was Pacific Fleet Dental Officer. Since retirement, Captain Bruce has pursued sculpting, writing, and golf. His sculpture has been shown in San Diego, San Francisco and Honolulu. His writing began as a hobby that became a passion. This is his second book in the ‘Bill Lloyd’ series. The first is Power Vortex.

Captain Bruce lives with his family in Carmel, CA.