Hands of Time
Select Poetry and Haiku in Five Seasons
Book Details
About the Book
Book description: HANDS OF TIME: SELECTED POETRY & HAIKU IN FIVE SEASONS is a compilation of nature poetry, personal observations, journeys, dreams, chants, meditations, and shamanic journeys into non-ordinary realities marking more than four decades of writing. Many of these poems have been previously published in earlier forms and a few were published under several pseudonyms during the 1980s. The haiku and tanka are part of this work's central theme, expressing close observations of unforgettable moments, or often just a fine detail. Blank verse and free verse complement the broader rhythms of prose ideas offered here. Most of the poems are brought together and published here for the first time in this new work. <> The New York Times said about E. Barrie Kavaschs first book, NATIVE HARVESTS: RECIPES & BOTANICALS OF THE AMERICAN INDIANS, (Random House/Vintage, 1979)The most intelligent and brilliantly researched book on the foods of the American Indians
About the Author
Author bio: E. Barrie Kavasch is an accomplished author/illustrator with more than 17 books in print, and works in numerous anthologies. She is primarily well known for her works on American Indian cultures, cuisines, and healing. She is an ethnobotanist, herbalist, folklorist, poet, dreamer, and shamanic practitioner residing in Bridgewater, Connecticut.