Paige East
Book Details
About the Book
Paige East is the tale of men and their journey through adulthood. Blair Buchanan is a man of bad luck, especially when it comes to the dating life. From day one Blair has had to overcome adversity, of life growing up in a town where one percent of the population has a higher education, overcoming his fear of rooming with someone racially different than him, and struggles with his own convictions. In Paige East we follow Blair into territory that he has never been before, we root for him, we love him, and in some cases maybe even hate him. Blair matures in the book as he begins college, and we watch as he graduates college and struggles with the thought of fatherhood and marriage. Does Blair find happiness? Does he find that one true love that we all search for? Does Blair overcome the convictions instilled in him by his father? The ending will surprise you and leave you wanting more.
About the Author
Brandon E. Farmer was born June 9, 1981. He is currently living in Cincinnati, Ohio. This is his first novel.