The Last Turn

America When Last the Century Changed

by Lee Seglem



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/25/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 232
ISBN : 9780595171972

About the Book

"Smash-mouth politics, racial violence, immigrant-bashing, drug abuse, crummy health care, high-tech wizardry, greed, sex, graft -- and football. Sounds like last night's television newsmagazine, doesn't it? Just one small technical problem: We're not talking now. This is about then. . ." So begins THE LAST TURN, Lee Seglem's thought-provoking and thoroughly readable examination of trends, attitudes and daily life in America when the nation last crossed the great temporal divide between centuries. While much ink and many computer bytes (and sound bites) have been spilled in recent years in a headlong rush to peer into the new millennium, this book takes a reflective, and refreshing, look backward. What really happened during the years that bridged the 19th and 20th Centuries? How far have Americans really come? Fair warning to those who cling to a belief in the mythic "good old days": THE LAST TURN provides a provocative, surprising and entertaining look at some very real, and often disturbing, parallels in time.

About the Author

Lee Seglem is a former newspaper reporter, magazine editor and freelance writer with extensive experience covering politics, education, crime and the environment. His work has appeared in publications coast-to-coast. This is his first book.