Yesterday's Child
Once Upon an Island in the Fijis
Book Details
About the Book
Jason Rhodes, convinced that he is the favorite of a lesser god, whose name will remain anonymous, has two driving ambitions. He must become a famous writer (He wisely does not ask for any prizes) and he must have Stephanie Howorth, a young Mississippi girl so endowed with attributes, both physical and mental, that Aphrodite would have wept at the sight of her. Jason's first ambition suffered major setbacks early on because he and Stephanie and three other service personnel become marooned on an island in the Fijis. This is just after WWII, when young aristocratic women occasionally gave the time of day to commoners like Jason (if they were handsome enough). Jason was not only handsome he was practically the only man around, and so his second driving ambition made great progress up until a Fiji chieftain decides to give them a ride to the nearest airport. By this time the baby has been born and is learning Fijian. In the States Jason's fortunes switch quickly. He loses Stephanie because of one part hardheadedness and two parts stubbornness. But his books, produced late at night in an attic, begin to sell like hotcakes....Click here for more.
About the Author
Wesley Hall lives in Holly Springs, Mississippi, with his lovely wife, Sharon. He writes about the Old Navy, the Old Coast Guard, Missouri hillbillies, Oklahoma trailerhouse people, and Wyoming cowboys. He has said that if he is offered the Nobel Prize in Literature he will refuse it, probably.