Domestic Threats

by Joseph Hayes III



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/8/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 157
ISBN : 9780595239122

About the Book

Every American man, woman and child has been taught that the Bill of Rights guarantees our freedom. But, such semantics repeated enough over two hundred years have left us blissfully ignorant to reality. The Bill of Rights is a blue print for freedom and two centuries after our founding it has become a symbol of that freedom. But there is no magic contained within that parchment. The magic is embodied in the American people, because we will only continue to enjoy our freedom as long as we are willing to fight for it.

At some point or another in our history our government has violated virtually every right ever promised to the people in the Bill of Rights. Laws, executive orders, court rulings and brute force physical actions that were clearly unconstitutional have been perpetrated by all three branches of our government, sometimes collectively. And there is no indication that these assaults on our freedom are decreasing, even at this late date and time in our history.

In the final analysis the greatest threats to our freedom will never come from some evil, foreign, mustachioed dictator. Rather they will come from some very well meaning patriotic Americans determined to save us from ourselves.

About the Author

Joseph Hayes III is a freelance writer of politics and history. He is also the author of a previous political novel, The Gambit.

Joe ran an unsuccessful campaign for Congress in 1992. The centerpiece of his campaign was calling for the abolition of the Electoral College before another democratic election for president was over-turned. Unfortunately history would prove Joe right just eight short years later.

Joe lives with his wife Elizabeth and his son Joseph Hayes IV in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.