Elizabeth 1
The Observation
Book Details
About the Book
Trisha Maypierce is a chemist and a dreamer. Her wildest fantasies are about to come true when she stumbles into the travels of a Temporal Anthropologist, and flies across time and space to the tempestious world of Avious. Two factions of winged beings, the native and techonologicaly advanced Asillomar and the genetically engineered but transplated race Trimor have hammered a tentative peace. Is Trisha the catalyst to unite the two races, or the element of destruction? Chemical know-how and earth values play an exciting role in this snapshot moment of an alien worlds history. This is the first of many tales of this enticing and ancient world.
About the Author
Trynia Merin started her first writings of fantasy/science fiction from a young age. Currently she has honed her skills in writing extensive fanficton on the internet. She has recently attained her master's degree in Chemistry from Villanova University.