The Firstborn of God
Resolving the Contradictions in the Bible
Book Details
About the Book
The Firstborn of God is an in-depth, yet concise, look at the contradictions in the Bible. This book may well have the answers that you have been looking for!
Throughout history our religious beliefs have been instrumental in shaping our social and political strictures. Whether we are devout or not, the fundamental philosophies of any give religion will dictate the way in which we interact with each other on a mental, social and political level. Most of the Western world is no exception and has based its theology on a text known as "The Bible."
But what is "The Bible"? Is it a collection of scrolls written by a group of old men? Or is it the word of God as so many claim it to be? If the Bible really is the word of God, then it should follow that the chapters and verses will be clear-cut, easily understood and lack ambiguity. But this is not the case. The Bible is ambiguous and many of its texts contradict each other, which in turn implies that the scribes who wrote them had differing views on the divine word of God as well as differing social and political philosophies.
About the Author
The author has had a lifetime interest in religion. Her frustration with orthodox attitudes towards women as well as the Calvinist Church's support of racialism during South Africa's Apartheid era led her to search for answers of her own. Her controversial conclusions are the result of fourteen years of research.