Resumes of History
Book Details
About the Book
This book contains 76 resumes divided into 8 categories: artists, authors, dancers, explorers, leaders and politics, musicians, philosophers and scientists, and special. Each of the 52 students selected one or two individuals to portray though a resume from a list compiled by extracting names of those to be studied in the accepted curriculums of the courses of Political Philosophy, World History, Art Appreciation & History, and Humanities. Some examples include Martin Luther King Jr., Shakespeare, Benjamin Franklin, Martha Graham, Napoleon, Voltaire, and Audrey Cohen (founder of the College).
About the Author
The contributing authors of this book are students from Audrey Cohen College, School of Business. They are pursuing their undergraduate degrees in Business. These resumes, which began as a class assignment, became this book and their response to the their community in the wake of September 11, 2001. They assigned the proceeds of the book to the WTC victim's relief funds