Generation of Destiny
Understanding Identity and Knowing Purpose
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About the Book
What is your destiny? Is it something out of your control or can you shape it yourself? Does an unseen force decide it? As you look to the future there are limitless possibilities. Where will you be in ten years or twenty years? Is there an afterlife? How does faith fit into it?
As a young person, destiny is one of the most fascinating topics imaginable. Your future is wide open. You can become whatever you want to be. It all starts with discovering your identity and finding your purpose. Where does your identity come from? Is it just your name and a picture? Your ultimate identity comes from the inner depths of your soul. Have you based your identity on external people and things? Maybe you should take a second look in Generation of Destiny. Why are you on this planet? What is your purpose? Who determines your success and failure? Each chapter of Generation of Destiny is designed to help you uncover the truth for yourself. What about evolution versus creationism? What about the existence of God? What does the Bible say about your Generation? Like it or not, you belong to a Generation of Destiny!About the Author
Wayne Hanson directs Vertigo Student Center in Grand Junction, Colorado. Vertigo reaches out to hundreds of students in various programs. Formerly a studio musician and professional video producer, Wayne graduated from North Central University.