Surviving the Radicalization of America

by Glenn Jackson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/25/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9780595355990

About the Book

Are America's values crumbling? Can we hold back the flood of attacks on them that we see in the daily news, the political arena, and the entertainment world? Surviving the Radicalization of America asks these tough questions and offers helpful solutions.

Author Glenn Jackson uses his perspective as a common American to help explain his views on why America has become polarized instead of centralized. Jackson believes a more balanced interpretation of America can be found by incorporating a variety of viewpoints. Divided into four sections-foundation, development, relational issues, and creating a future-Surviving the Radicalization of America is an informal conversation focused on finding a way to cope with today's challenges.

Even though we have increased our knowledge in science, technology, and medicine, we still do not fully understand the human spirit. By discussing these significant issues, we can find a way through the confusion and chaos and learn to live a balanced, risk-managed life.

About the Author

Glenn Jackson spent twenty-five years in the United States Air Force, honorably retiring as a senior master sergeant in 1998. He holds a masters degree in business administration.