Dealing With Builders
Book Details
About the Book
Dealing With Builders is a comprehensive how-to manual for both novice and seasoned buyers of homes. The book walks a prospective purchaser, step by step, through the myriad stages, financial arrangements, and documents with which he or she will have to develop a comprehensive familiarity in order to shepherd the process of building a new home or buying an existing one to a successful conclusion. It also introduces the reader to the various professionals including foremen, supervisors, salespersons, lenders, and others whose interactions with a buyer and with each other must be carefully synchronized. It explains the argot of the construction industry term by term, and it includes worksheets, checklists, charts, and a litany of do's and don't's that if faithfully applied will transform a new home purchaser into a skilled negotiator.
About the Author
Christopher A. Dorris has several years' cumulative experience with a national home builder and as a senior officer of a Texas-based company in the same industry. In these positions he has become well versed in corporate operations, sales contracts, home construction, and land development. Mr. Dorris has won several building and sales awards for excellence. He is currently working on a second book about unorthodox lending options for first-time home buyers.