Lazarus: From Seven to Seventy-Seven

by Eugene Weisberger



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/6/2004

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9780595763740
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9780595315604

About the Book

Initially, Gene's readers found his stories on the Internet. These travel tales were later collected into his first printed work, The Chinese Walking Stick. Now we learn more about him in his latest book, Lazarus. This is a unique volume of short stories compiled into his autobiography. A writer of exciting short stories, Gene assembles his life's tales with his characteristic warmth and wit. Lazarus begins when Gene is seven years old and is hit with the news of his father's untimely death in the midst of his mother's traumatic accident (Now you are the Man of the Family). His story continues with his WWII service and a near fatal train accident followed by a bout with pneumonia. Next we learn of his working career from butcher boy (My First Jobs) to Group President (My Most Memorable Moment).

We are riveted by his many career adventures. His life changes drastically after his retirement and again when he is hit with cancer. The story Lazarus is a poignant tale of facing his fears at Sloan-Kettering Hospital. Later it becomes his salvation presenting him with the motivation to go on and we are introduced to a little grandchild (Three Days Young) who gives Gene a reason to live.

The final group of stories shows Gene with his wife, Lila, as they celebrate milestones together. Read this autobiography and see how obstacles can be overcome.

About the Author

Gene?s exciting career began four decades ago in military electronics, becoming General Manager, Vice President, and Group President of a multi-divisional corporation. Recently he began a second career of writing, traveling and story-telling. His first book, The Chinese Walking Stick was published in 2003 and is a collection of fifty short stories about his world travels.