Father Behind Bars

A Story of Responsibility That Affects Everyone in America

by Arthur Hamilton Jr.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/18/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 178
ISBN : 9780595317240

About the Book

"This is a powerfully written story of how the soul and mind can survive against tremendous odds, and how they can rise to that greatest of all levels: the level of service to some of the forgotten people of this society."
-Ossie Davis
Actor, Director, Playwright, and Humanitarian

"A true and compelling insight into human nature and the struggle to love, be loved, and to create and achieve in the face of circumstances that all too often vanquish all hope. This story has powerful lessons for people on both sides of prison walls."
-Patricia J. Williams
Professor, Columbia University School of Law & Fellow, Center for Advanced Studies in Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University

"An engaging and endearing story of hope and uncompromising will. Seldom are black men, or for that matter black women, presented in either fiction or non-fiction as being real, morally purposeful, and so rational. A truly fine story that is at once moving, entertaining, and instructive."
-Charles Lynch, Ph.D.
Seton Hall University

"Inspiring and engrossing. A well-told story whose realism and truth is undeniable."
-Walter Mosely

About the Author

Arthur J. Hamilton, Jr., is incarcerated at Lakeland Correctional Facility in Coldwater, Michigan, for armed robbery and manslaughter, and not eligible for parole until the next century. He determined to improve his life through hard work and self-discipline. He graduated from college with honors, has won awards from Southern Illinois University for his efforts in journalism, and is the founder of Fathers Behind Bars, Inc., a non-profit support organization for parents in prison. Arthur is loved and supported by his wife, Marilyn, and their five children.

William Banks is the director of the Harlem Writer?s Guild in New York City.