by S. B. Jones-Hendrickson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/26/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 428
ISBN : 9780595413294
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 428
ISBN : 9780595856824

About the Book

If you think a university is simply an institution of higher learning, think again.

When professor Andy Browne is fired from the University of St. Siven, his wife, Camille, asks one of Andy's colleagues, John Sladek, to find out why. From past experiences, she knows Andy won't tell her the truth. Andy Browne's Departure, set in the small, fictitious Caribbean island of St. Siven, takes you through an intriguing maze of academia, love, sex, and secrecy in paradise.

During the course of what becomes his last semester at the University of St. Siven, the administration discovers that Dr. Browne does not have a PhD in his field of study-he's a fraud. His involvement with his students-one in particular-contributes to his downfall, resulting in his subsequent firing by the president of the university. But will Camille ever know all the details about Andy's termination?

Filled with passion and intrigue, Andy Browne's Departure opens up a Pandora's box of academia, where professors profess more than they teach, and students demand more of professors than they want to learn.

About the Author

S. B. Jones-Hendrickson is an economist by training. He has been writing creatively for over thirty years, and has published two novels, Sonny Jim of Sandy Point and Death on the Pasture, and one novella, Hugo and Friends. He is currently working on another novel.