Paper Squares
Book Details
About the Book
During the Great Depression in the United States in the 1920's, many people lost their jobs and their abilities to support themselves. But perhaps no group of people suffered more than those who were additionally stricken by the dust storms that rolled across the Midwest. The farmers and families living in the area that came to be known as "The Dust Bowl" were not only struggling to stay afloat financially, but were also struggling against mother nature for their lives. It was during this time that one particular family, suffering great personal loss, had to make the difficult decision to leave the dust bowl and relocate, possibly for good. Two children, had to adjust to a new home and a new school. The bullies they meet, friends they make, and enemies they form transform them from naïve children, to adults overnight. Survival seems impossible when the enemies are unknown, in Paper Squares.
About the Author
Paper Squares
Patrick Alexander, Joshua Beckerman, Jack Benson, Travis Bontempo, Erin DiGuglielmo, Alexandra Esposito, Michael Felezzola, Deena Fuschetto, Emily Hart, Thomas Ho, Sara Kelleher, Julia Loria, Robert Madsen, Kaitlyn Mazzilli, Katie Nydegger, Julia Oldakowski, Christopher Torsiello, Emma Wahlig