The Professional Code of Conduct

"Corporate America and How to Obtain Your Dream Internship or Job."

by Michael J. Bottaro



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/19/2007

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9780595911790
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9780595468904

About the Book

Each year millions of college students and college graduates all over America take part in their internship and job searching process. Applying for jobs and the interviewing process can be one of the most stressful times in a college student's life. Even the brightest students with the highest G.P.A.s are challenged with obtaining the job, which they desire. This is why reading this book can help eliminate these aggravations. My goal as an author is to pave the path for students all over America towards obtaining their dream jobs and internships. This book will greatly benefit any college graduate or student approaching graduation in the near future. Grades are extremely important, however one of the greatest misconceptions of students and their parents is that grades are everything. This is far from the truth. Professionalism is everything in the society in which we live. If you do not possess the art of professionalism in the corporate world, you have nothing.

The Professional Code of Conduct will help prepare you with everything from what attire is considered suitable to wear in the business world to nailing an interview with an employer at the company of your dreams. The key in order to be successful at this is "balance." In order to be successful and have a great balance of strengths you need to make sure that you have enhanced all the professional attributes which an employer will be looking for in its candidates.

About the Author

Michael J. Bottaro?s goal as the author of The Professional Code of Conduct is to help students all over America obtain their dream job or internship. He receives self-accomplishment when he can contribute to the success of others. Throughout Michael?s experiences working in the Philadelphia metropolitan area, he has been extremely fortunate enough to benefit from both family and professional contacts who have been there to guide him throughout his entire career.