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A Generation Comes to America

by Dan C. Pak



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/17/2008

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 152
ISBN : 9780595612550
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 152
ISBN : 9780595498062

About the Book

When I think of my dear friend Dan Pak, I immediately start running out of adjectives. Dan is my mentor. He is my hero. Dan Pak is the very embodiment of eminent courage, of implausible resilience, and of unfathomable faith.

To suddenly encounter an insurmountable blockade in front of everything you were planning and preparing, and to find all of your hopes and dreams now in ashes, is just about outside my grasp. To then pick yourself up, reinvent yourself, and start out in a whole new direction, is almost beyond my reach.

Yet, this is what Dan Pak did. And in the process he remained ever true to himself, unswerving in his convictions, and relentlessly faithful to his family. With all of the changes he had to make, the inner core of his being was never compromised.

And now this unassuming man has consented to share his experiences with his immediate, as well as his extended family of human beings. I count myself most privileged to be part of the same human races as Dan Pak. You will, too, when you read the journaling of this meek and modest fellow sojourner.

Larry G. Johnson
Roopville, Georgia and
Sterling, Alaska

About the Author

For lots of folks there is a point in time when their life is forever changed. June 25, 1950 was that infamous day for this author.

In the twilight days of his life, he wants to leave behind a brief record of how this one individual survived through the turbulent years. I am a foreign-born octogenarian and an autodidact due to the Korean War. A Generation Comes to America was my first book. In April 2012, I wrote the second book, Travelogue. It is about my spiritual journey. The Booktango published it in E-format. Born into extremely devout Buddhist family in South Korea and raised in the most traditional Confucian locality in the country, it was hard for me to break out of tight environment. But when it comes to spiritual matter involving me as an individual, I felt there should not be any compromise. I went to Christian church and my journey started from there. In May 2012, I wrote the third book, The Souvenirs. It was also in E-format published by Booktango. It is my legacy to succeeding generation of immigrants from my part of the world.