The Shadow of Thy Wings
Book Details
About the Book
THE SHADOW OF THY WINGS is a story about an Amorite shepherd in the time of David whose fate is sealed when he stumbles into David's world of Hebrew life and finds himself doubting the reality of God at first. When he discovers that his own town and his family have been destroyed by the Philistines, he stays with David's family and sees them daily interacting with their God. He and David share many adventures and dangers as soldiers and Ahman, the Amorite sees the personal love and dependence that David has for his God. He finds himself submitting to God's Authority. When David orders a great celebration in God's honor after Jerusalem is captured, Ahman finally dances in the parade before the Ark of the Covenant with David to the top of Mount Zion.
About the Author
John Munn spent a lot of time reading the Bible when he was recovering from heart surgery. He had always been intrigued with the character of David and with David's relationship with God. Pondering this, the author wondered how one came to that kind of relationship. When he determined that it had to be by a mentoring process,he had found the seed for this story.