The Hand of God/La Mano de Dios
Book Details
About the Book
The old Mexican called him "Mano," but the family knew that was short for La Mano de Dios. They also knew La Mano de Dios was Spanish for The Hand of God. That was all they knew. Whenever they asked the reason for the name, they were told it was a personal thing between the old man, who was their father, and the old Mexican.
Perhaps it's time, his wife thought as the children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren were gathered for the old man's 90th birthday, for them to know the kind of a man he was. Maybe it's time they knew about the Comanches and the Apaches; about the horse thieves and cattle rustlers; about the haciendados and the big ranchers; and about the range war. Maybe, she thought, it's time they know who they are.
About the Author
Bill Holstein--Marine, cowboy, lumberjack, truck driver, college graduate, author, and student of western history--was born in 1933. He understands horses and western life from his own experiences with both on his ranch in Southern Colorado.