Avoiding Relapse
Catching Your Inner Con
Book Details
About the Book
So Who Is This Con Anyway? You’ve made the sobriety priority. Now lets get practical. Let’s get real.
Deep within the recesses of your mind lies the inner Con! Your Con specializes in seduction and self-sabotaging behavior. Your negative mind-set that caused your life to go out of control chasing addictions is very crafty. It is exacting, greedy and never satisfied, always wanting more and more alcohol or drugs.
The Con is a group of fear-based characters who hound you until you weaken and give in and go back into those self-destructive behaviors. The Con is made up of the Big Lies that you tell yourself! It is your worst enemy who acts like your best buddy to get you to use.
Cravings happen. Temptations to use again are always there. Get the ammunition you can get to live a life of sobriety.
Catch your Con! Learn to:
About the Author
Lynne Namka, Ed. D., a psychologist who helps individuals with personal and spiritual growth issues, is the author of The Doormat Syndrome, The Mad Family Gets Their Mads Out, and How to Let Go of Your Mad Baggage.
See her award-winning website at http://members.aol.com/AngriesOut/index.htm