The End of the World

by Mark Meek



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/24/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9780595187201

About the Book

There has been a vast amount of literature and books written over the past few decades about how the prophecies in the Bible about the last days of the world are taking shape in our times. Today, the majority of Fundamentalist Christians accept that we are living in what the Bible calls the “Last Days”.

However, most of the recent literature and discussion about the subject has been rehashing the same facts as have been known for many years. The purpose of this book is not only to leave no doubt that we are indeed in the “Last Days’ but to bring the entire scenario into the new millennium.

About the Author

Mark Meek is a Christian with a long interest in the subject of Bible Prophecy and how the “Last Days” are the times in which we live. The author wishes to bring the scenario of Bible prophecy into the new millennium as well as leaving no doubt that we are watching the awesome miracle of prophetic fulfillment. Mark Meek is also the author of The Theory of Primes and The Commoner Syndrome.