DoubleSpeak in Black and White

America Needs a New Idea, The Worlds First Cultural Poisoning Self-Test.

by Rudy Aunk



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/8/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 206
ISBN : 9780595228584

About the Book

The main feature of DoubleSpeak in Black and White is the world's first Cultural Poisoning Self-Test. Mr. Aunk, asserts that 90% of all Americans suffer from some degree of Cultural Poisoning. Now, for the first time, just as you can take a home pregnancy test, or home diabetes test, you can test yourself in the privacy of your home for Cultural Poisoning.

DoubleSpeak in Black and White and it's test, is designed to Assist Americans in general, and African Americans in particular, to be more effective in the 21st century, than they have been in the 20th century. In this book you will learn how to identify Cultural Poisoning, how to cure it, and most importantly, how to prevent your children from catching it.

Your mission, should you decide to except, is to raise your Cultural Literacy and reduce your Cultural Poisoning. All Americans should be able to answer basic ethnic questions like, What makes a person Black? What is cultural AIDS? Why is "Negro" and its variations a DoubleSpeak word? So, open this book, take the one minute test, and lets get busy.

About the Author

Rudy Aunk is a techno-cultural activist, author, and founder of the Cultural Literacy Project. He has successfully combined his dual passions for computers and culture, into concrete tools that can help individuals regain, and/or maintain, cultural health. In Cyberspace he is simply known as Aunk (Ankh).