Wealth Odyssey
The Essential Road Map For Your Financial Journey Where Is It You Are Really Trying To Go With Money?
Book Details
About the Book
"Frank, a Certified Financial Planner in California, offers a concise, precise guide to “prudent thinking” about personal finances, along with simple tools to estimate how much is required for a comfortable retirement."
"A sound guide designed to help people make sensible plans for a successful retirement."
— Kirkus book review
"First let me tell you Larry Frank knows his stuff. He has a procedure that many will find worth taking the time to implement.” “ The book is full of good advice."
— Armchair interviews
"Larry Frank Sr, gives you a guidebook or “road map” for your financial goals or journey. If you are lost and need some help setting up a long term plan, this is the book for you."
— Michelle Dunn, an award winning business author, an artist, a gardener and a mom.
About the Author
Larry R Frank Sr., MBA, CFP has spent years (since 1978) on financial research focused on teaching people to make smart decisions to grow and protect their net worth. He holds a BS cum laude in physics and an MBA in finance. Larry has published research in the Journal of Financial Planning, a peer reviewed top industry journal. His public website is www.BetterFinancialEducation.com .