
From the Middle East to Middle America

by Evelyn Price



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/11/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 178
ISBN : 9780595315253

About the Book

Maheeba chronicles one womans journey to escape the religous persecution she encounters in her homeland. Along with her family, Maheeba finds freedom in America, at a cost.

In her search, Maheeba and her brothers journey to the United States, leaving a culture that has not changed in centuries, to find themselves in a country changing so rapidly, its culture is still undefined.

Maheebas' story in America goes from rags, to riches, to rags. Presented as a love story, and history, Maheeba is filled with faith, hope, and Humor.

About the Author

As a descendent of immigrants herself, Evelyn Price has experienced first hand, the same culture shock as her mother did in the story of Maheeba.

Evelyn Price lives in Northern California, where she holds a Phd. in education.