The Chinese Walking Stick

And Other Short Stories

by Eugene Weisberger



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/22/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 188
ISBN : 9780595279975

About the Book

Meet Eugene Weisberger, 76-year-old adventurer, and read his inspiring short stories. At 68, Gene had his first of many cancer bouts. He wondered if he would ever travel again. His oncologist assured him "traveling never effects growth of cancer cells" and "make the best use of your time."

This collection of short stories is about the adventures of a world traveler who would not give up an active exciting life for a dreaded disease. It is the study of a man's indomitable spirit, a love of life and, against all odds, to quote Joseph Campbell, would not cease to " follow his bliss".

Sometimes in a wheelchair, (Wheeling Around The Nile) often with a cane and under narcotics for pain, (Five Days In Hell) Gene continued to see the world and its beauty, (Misty Peggy's Cove) and people and their struggles(China's 1.2 Billion).

Gene is an inspiration to many of his on-line readership of hundreds who look forward to his adventure stories (Life and Death In the Serengeti) in out-of-the-way places. (Exciting Spitzbergen) One trip he and his wife never took was to Antarctica (because of a setback in his cancer battle). He still dreams of traveling there and some day will.

When he announces his next destination, his family no longer says, "what, you're going where!" but rather "Send a post card or buy a souvenir."

About the Author

Gene's exciting career began four decades ago in military electronics, moved into management becoming general manager, Vice President, and group president of a multidivisional corporation. Recently he began a second career of writing, traveling and story telling. He is especially skilled in Motivational techniques, team building, and communication. The Chinese Walking Stick and Other Stories is his first non-fiction book.