Saddam's Attacks on America: 1993; September 11, 2001; and the Anthrax Attacks

A freewheeling and hard-hitting commentary on the life-threatening problems facing America and the prescription for their cure.

by Hugh Cort III MD



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/13/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 66
ISBN : 9780595315857

About the Book

This book is dedicated to all patriots – past, present, and future, and especially to the modern day patriots of America - the brave American men and women in our armed forces who fought and died and are fighting and dying this day in Afghanistan and Iraq so that terrorists and madmen will not be able to hurt our country again, not only with hijacked airplanes but also with chemical and biological and nuclear weapons. And also let us never, forget the brave firefighters and policemen of New York City who gave their lives on September 11 so that others might live.

About the Author

Hugh Cort III., M.D. is a Christian psychiatrist from Birmingham, Alabama. He lived as a child in New Jersey and moved to Atlanta at age 11 and then Birmingham at age 20. He, like all Americans, has a keen desire to never let another September 11 happen to America; or anywhere.