Life In a Boxcar

An American Memoir
From the Depression to
the 21st Century

by Lester Pierre Vognsen



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/6/2003

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9780595750023
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9780595294831

About the Book

Author Les Vognsen is the son of Danish immigrants to the United States. This memoir takes the reader on a journey of the American experience typical of the 1930s Midwest. It was written for family and friends and all who enjoy learning about the realization of the American Dream.

In1929 Wisconsin, while America plunged into its decade-long struggle with the Great Depression, four-year-old Les recounts the trials and joys of a farming family moving about the country in search of opportunity and survival. The title comes from one of the Vognsen family's early homes, two boxcars combined in Northern Wisconsin to form a cozy home. In the 1940s, Les takes us on another typical American journey as he serves in the Army Air Force. In the 1950s, 60s, and 70s, the Vognsen family continues its wandering as Les marries and raises his family. Throughout this time the family found success in a succession of retail stores from hardware to toys. Today, Les and Letty live in Tampa, Florida and their four children and grandchildren are spread out across the country-a true American story.

About the Author

Les Vognsen is the son of Danish immigrants to the United States. After growing up in a boxcar home in Wisconsin, Les went in search of the American Dream as he joined the armed forces, married, and raised a family. Today, he and his wife, Letty, live in Tampa, Florida.