Focus on Buyers

Selling from Your Prospect's Point of View

by Jeff Fritzson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/24/2003

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9780595660056
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9780595294626

About the Book

Bookstores are full of books about how to sell. From prospecting to closing, sales people are searching for ways to be more successful. Very few focus on the most important element in a sale-the buyer. Focus on Buyers turns the sales process upside down and begins with the end. If you understand how buyers buy, you will sell more effectively.

Whether you're in sales, marketing, or customer service, you may find yourself wondering:

    · Why are my prospects behaving this way?
    · How do I move someone forward in the sales cycle?
    · How can I influence my prospects so they believe my product will solve their problem?

Jeff and Rebecca Fritzson teach these concepts to sales people worldwide. They find that once sales people understand their buyer's perspective, they increase their personal sales and develop better customer relationships.

Focus on Buyers will take you on a journey of discovery through your buyer's thought processes. Beginning with change, the starting point of any buying process, and continuing through the individual buying states people navigate on their way to making a purchase, Focus on Buyers provides the map that will help you find your way to increased sales.

About the Author

Rebecca and Jeff Fritzson are sales professionals whose combined forty years experience includes sales, marketing, and executive sales leadership within high technology companies. Their familiarity with software, hardware, professional services, and integration gives them a unique perspective on sales process. Together they run Tactical Resources, a Dallas-based consulting firm.