The Ancestor

by Ivo Greenwell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/4/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 264
ISBN : 9780595294947
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 264
ISBN : 9780595660094

About the Book

The village of Taski, in northern Russia, was home to peace loving families who lived a quiet, simple life uninterrupted by strife or outsiders.

When the warriors of Batu Kahn, sitting astride wooden saddles on fast moving ponies rode in, peace was forever shattered. Many of the townspeople were captured and taken prisoner. But the lumberman, Shol, and his followers escaped into the cold mountains to the north, living in caves before seeking a warmer climate near the sea. Later, Shol returned to Taski and made a daring raid into the Mongol camp taking his wife, Kitula to their new home. The Golden Horde followed and the skirmish that ensued left all of Batu's warriors and many villagers, including Shol, lying dead among the ashes of their new homes.

Shan leads the survivors into a new land seeking the peace and serenity they held sacred in their fatherland. Trying desperately to hold onto their simple values, babies were born along the way bringing joy and hope and permitting them to retain their desires for a peaceful life somewhere in their new environment.

Follow these nomads in their expansive journey through the harsh elements, facing many trials, seeking peace in America.

About the Author

The author grew up in Oklahoma during the great depression. He spent three years in the Army Air Force during WWII. He is married and the father of four daughters. This is his second novel.