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About the Book
What remedy, if any should the law provide to a person who has suffered "wrongful" harm at the hands of another? Should the lay do nothing and leave things as they are? Should the burden of helping injured persons bear their financial losses be placed on their families? Should we place the responsibility for helping on the government?
As an alternative to these possibilities, we might say that in some cases people who cause harm should be required to compensate for the losses by paying money to the persons they have harmed. The law of torts is made of a series of rules that tell us when a person who has harmed another must pay that person compensation.About the Author
Dr. Baum is a retired law professor who taught at the Indianapolis Law School, Indiana University and was a visiting professor at the College of Law, University of Cincinnati. Professor Force is a member of the faculty of the Law School, Tulane University, and he was former Dean of that school. Ms. Elting was Head, Special Education, Gordon Graydon Memorial Secondary School, Ontario. (This book was reviewed by Dr. Murry R. Nelson, the Pennsylvania State University.)