Shadow Marriage

A Descent into Intimacy

by Paul Dunion



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/17/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 204
ISBN : 9780595388493

About the Book

The author suggests that nothing strikes a stake through the heart of marital hopes and dreams like the incessant pursuit of happiness, with the therapeutic community often colluding with this cultural imperative. As spouses demand that their partners and their marriages make them happy, a myriad of unfortunate dynamics ensue making the typical marriage unbearable.

"Shadow Marriage-A Descent into Intimacy offers both couples and professionals an uniquely in depth perspective upon marriage that can't be found in the pages of any other text."
-Dr. George Rogers. Author of Terror, Bonding and Psychotherapy.

"Paul Dunion's Shadow Marriage-A Descent into Intimacy collects the many lost voices and broken hearts of modern marriage. When you truly dive into your own story with the tools found in this book, and flush out the teachings and the blessings, your marriage and maybe even your life could be saved."
-Jeffrey Duvall. Author of Men, Meaning and Prayer-The Reconciliation of Heart and Soul in Modern Manhood.

"Shadow Marriage is wonderfully insightful and fully grounded at the same time! Dr. Dunion has encapsulated many years of experience into his text. You can feel the weight of each sentence as it comes off the page. This book will help anyone gain a deeper understanding of the inner workings of love and relationship."
-Cliff Barry. Founder of Shadow Work Seminars.

About the Author

Dr. Paul Dunion has been a marriage counselor in private practice for the past 25 years. He has written numerous articles on the topics of trust and intimacy. Dr. Dunion is also the author of Temptation in the House of the Lord. He and his wife Connie offer weekend retreats for couples based upon the Shadow Marriage material. He is the founder of the Connecticut Gathering of Men and Boys To Men, a mentoring community for teenage boys. He lives with his wife Connie in Southern New England.