A History of Army Aviation

From Its Beginnings to the War on Terror

by James W. Williams



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/8/2005

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 450
ISBN : 9780595810369
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 450
ISBN : 9780595366088
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 450
ISBN : 9780595673964

About the Book

spellbinding history , the how, what, when, where and why some never told and certainly not always understood. This is a story that has begged to be told, with sources and substance heretofore missing Historians, military scholars, and aviators, will rely on this work for years.
Carl H. McNair, Jr., Major General, U.S. Army (Retired)

"This is worth a good read a welcome and long overdue history of Army Aviation."
Joseph L. Galloway, senior military correspondent, Knight Ridder Newspapers and co-author, We Were Soldiers Once and Young

Soldiers, scholars, and aviation enthusiasts alike can learn much from this comprehensive examination . successfully blends lively and insightful historical narrative with astute analysis. unfailingly honest assessment of contributions to our national defense.
Carol Reardon, Pennsylvania State University, author of LAUNCH THE INTRUDERS

tightly written and focused traces the aviation branch from its inception through two world wars, the loss of a major portion to the new Air Force, up through its current role . required reading for anyone who desires to understand Army aviation.
Darrel Whitcomb, author of The Rescue of Bat 21, and Combat Search and Rescue in Desert Storm

tells the whole story concisely by addressing seven key themes. crisp prose and well-chosen illustrations . This old ground-pounder owes his life to brave crews of Army birds.
Henry Gole, Ph.D./Colonel (ret.), author of Soldiering

About the Author

James W. (Jim) Williams was historian at the U.S. Army Aviation Center, 1997?2005. He previously was historian for the Army Chemical Corps and Armor Branch. For seven years he headed oral history programs and taught at the Army War College. His military service included leading Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal teams during Vietnam, commanding sealift operations during the first Gulf War, and serving as historian for the NATO headquarters in Bosnia. Other assignments included research and development for weapon systems and teaching at the Naval Academy. Indiana University awarded his Ph.D. in history in 1981.