On the Seventh Day God Rested

33 New Lessons from the Old Testament

by Barbara Camp



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/6/2007

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9780595705245
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9780595463114
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9780595906062

About the Book

Playboy Bunny Barbara Camp cordially invites you to a G.S.I.—God Seen Investigation. On the Seventh Day God Rested presents timeless Biblical truth made modern—its table of contents alone previews the infinite territory covered in this encyclopedically varied adventure.

Of 33 stories featured: Parting of the Red Sea celebrates space-age cancer treatment, Tower of Babel examines excessive cell phone usage, Samson and Delilah evaluates feminism—forty years later, Creation of Adam chronicles DNA, Daniel’s Lion’s Den mirrors Wall Street, Temptation in the Garden occupies present-day Iraq, and in Jonah, Seventh Day explores the cacophonous distraction eclipsing the most important voice of all—God's:

"I reckon we live in the most intellectually and psychologically interesting time in history. When else did you have the luxury of listening to a Strauss waltz and reading Shakespeare or the Greek classics while revving from zero to a hundred in sixty seconds on FDA approved, mind-altering energy drinks, doing your laundry and cloning your livestock or even your pooch? There’s so much to do and we do it all."

Ultimately, you won’t need the isolation of that whale’s belly to “get it”. Read this book. And fasten your seatbelt—the fingerprints are everywhere.

About the Author

After a Midwest childhood and ex-patriot years abroad, Barbara Camp draws, paints faces, writes, collects vintage treasures and snaps SX-70 Polaroids in New York City. Having read the Bible a dozen times, On the Seventh Day God Rested is her first book. A New Testament sequel is in the wings.