Lasting Visions of X-The Haunted Artist

by Courtney ________



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/19/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 218
ISBN : 9780595271092

About the Book

To know not what to expect is freedom.

The reviews speak and offer insight

" Visions shoots for a pithy insightfulness but unfortunately, most of it ends up on the seat and the floor "
-moans Ronald Dribbler of The Golden Advisor

" a raccoon with Down's Syndrome would be able to create a more insightful and coherent piece of work while clawing randomly at a computer keyboard "
-raves Rob Durden of the Sarasota Insider

" Lasting Visions rivals his last wasted effort in futility "

About the Author

Courtney X ________ exists only in illusion.