The Patterns of New Ideas

300 Ideas for Products, Inventions and Improvements

by Mark Meek



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/15/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 226
ISBN : 9780595311637

About the Book

Our world is an extremely inefficient and impoverished place in comparison to what it could be. There is a vast amount of room for improvement in the world around us that goes unnoticed because of simple grooved-in thinking. Even when new discoveries are made or new technology implemented, we may get far less than maximum benefit because potential applications do not occur to anyone.

This book has a threefold purpose.

A lot of discussion nowadays concerns "thinking outside the box." The best way to teach such thinking is through examples. The generation of new ideas will also be enhanced by systematically categorizing ideas into patterns. This will reveal several approaches to generating new ideas. The final purpose of this book is to contribute 300 new ideas for products, inventions and improvements.

About the Author

Mark Meek is a resident of Niagara Falls, NY, USA and has long been fascinated by better and more efficient ways of doing things. Mr. Meek is also the author of The Theory of Primes, The Commoner Syndrome, and The End of the World.