When God Seems Silent

by William Justice DMin DPhil DLitt



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/13/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9780595396757

About the Book

Pain rips your body. Narcotics stupefy, but relieve no pain. Sleep comes only from exhaustion and the most powerful sleeping pills. You pray for relief. But you get no relief. You aren't really living any more. You pray to die. But you can't even die. Or perhaps you watch the suffering of someone you love. Trouble can wear any of a thousand grim faces. The Bible tells you that God cares when we suffer, but does He? After having prayed and concluded that God is not helping, you may become disappointed in Him, lose faith, become angry at Him, or conclude that He does not even exist.

The Scriptures tell us that in ages gone by, God was active in human affairs. But is He now? The author, a retired professional hospital chaplain who has ministered to thousands during times of trouble, reexamines his faith during his wife's eleven years of suffering amid declining health. Often feeling abandoned by God, the author describes his and his wife's slowly emerging conclusions that God is not silent, nor is He as inactive as He sometimes seems to be. Perhaps He has simply changed many of His ways of getting things done.

About the Author

William G. Justice, DMin, DPhil, DLitt, has authored eleven books and over 200 articles in his field. He has taught the Bible for fifty-two years, having begun while Piloting B-29 bombers for the US Air Force during the Korean War. While serving thirty-one years as a professional bedside hospital chaplain, he earned licenses as a Professional Counselor and as a Marriage and Family Therapist and taught off-campus courses to candidates for bachelors, masters, and doctoral degrees for eleven different colleges, seminaries, and graduate schools. After having ministered to thousands of others who have struggled when God seemed silent, he now writes while struggling through his wife?s prolonged illnesses.